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Hey, I'm so glad you're here

I’m Nikola, a pregnancy, birth and post partum Doula in Boorloo (Perth, NOR). I have two little kiddos that continue to expand my patience, compassion and kindness by the day, which I believe has drawn me towards the work I do now in caring for new parents.


I am a lover of nature and writing, a breastfeeding support advocate and just a tiny bit woo woo. Self care to me is time alone to read, a salt bath, meditation and journaling, a walk to the park with my kids and adventures with all of the snacks. 


Being a doula, to me, means I can fill the enormous gap left in our current society where women aren’t being cared for as they should be, they aren’t truly informed to be able to own their decisions, they aren’t surrounded by wise women who truly hold them and there’s a lack of belief in physiological birth.


I will see you, hear you and hold you, from maiden to mother, and ensure you are not left alone to merely survive your post partum journey, but so that you and your baby can thrive through it. I know our bodies are made to birth babies and I wholeheartedly believe in you.


My birthy research journey began when I started preparing for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) after my first baby was a breech scheduled caesarean.. oh if I knew then what I know now!!  A fire was lit in my belly when I realised I would need to advocate so strongly for myself to achieve my VBAC, even though it is seemingly low risk. After attending hypnobirthing classes (with Vicki Hobbs) I found a massive gap in the information I received from care providers, and that from my independent research and classes. We are not being informed of all of our options, safety aspects and risks, and what true informed/ valid consent is. How can we possibly own our birthing experience without these things?


I also had a lot of friends and family open up to me about their struggle during their post partum period, how they felt as though they weren’t cut out for mothering their babies. I deeply believe our society has failed us in this regard. We are so separate from our families, our partners go back to work too soon and we are left to juggle baby, home, chores, visits, appointments, all while our bodies are healing and our souls are adjusting to our new life as mumma. It’s just not meant to be this way and we are not meant to do it alone.


This is where I come in.. I offer in person meet ups to plan and research for the illuminating, life changing birth of baby and mother and your postpartum journey. I can provide massage and OMP techniques to have you feeling calm and relaxed, a listening ear when you need one, unwavering support during birth, however that looks best for you, and nourishing postpartum care so that you can concentrate on bonding with your sweet baby during this sacred time. 


My focus is on mindset and  preparation. No matter how much you know about birth already, or what your desires are, we can figure it all out together. I want you to feel as though your mind is clear so that you can focus on bonding with your baby and caring for your body.  


You are so worthy of being cared for and I wish you all the best on your journey.


Thank you so much for your time in reading my profile, If you feel aligned to work with me I would absolutely love to here from you.

With kindness, Nikola

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